Hi, I am Poornartha Sawant

FullStack Web Developer

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Data Science

I have completed an entire 5 course Applied Data Science in Python Specialization by University of Michigan. I have done a lot of Data Analysis and Visualization. I also have a basic knowledge of Social Networks and Text Mining. I am on my wat learning Machine Learning in depth.

Front End Development

I have a good knowledge of HTML, CSS, Bootstrap and a bit of Javascript. I am currently working on React and React Native.

Django Development

I have had some projects build completely from scratch in Django. I have a basic idea of the SQL Databases. My projects in Django include a Turf Booking Website and a WebScrapper. Check out my Projects to know more.


Who Am I

Web Developer and
Machine Learning Enthusiast

I am currently pursuing Computer Enginnering at Thadomal Sahani College of Enginnering, Bandra ( University of Mumbai)

I have worked on a number of personal projects in Java, Django, HTML, CSS, JavaScript and Machine Learning in Python. Check Out my Github

About Image


A Selection of Range of My Work

Cinema Web Scrapper TurfBooking Data-Science-Specialization Machine Learning Tribal